Opening hours

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: 12-9:30

Wednesday: 12 - 9:30

Thursday: 12 - 9:30

Friday: 12 - 11:30

Saturday: 12 - 11:30

Sunday: 12 - 9:30

Contact us

If you have any questions please send a message for us.

Thank you so much

Alan & Klara πŸ¦†πŸ¦†πŸΈπŸΈπŸΉπŸΉπŸΆπŸΆ


Dear Guest,

Thank you for visiting our website.

The "Duck`s Nuts` is an Australian term, means cool, superb, the best.

The Ducks Nuts tapas bar is a bar, a pub which is serving food from 12 noon until 7pm last orders at 6:45.  

If you would like book a table or if you have any question please send a message via the website or our telephon number is : 01524 963297 

News, videos on the Facebook

(20+) The Ducks Nuts Tapas Bar | Facebook

Have a lovely & nuts day!